by Susan Mason | Nov 29, 2021 | RSE, Wales
The article below is a guest blog from The Welsh Resistance: England isn’t the only country experiencing the corruption of children’s education with the unscientific, misogynistic and homophobic dogma of gender ideology. Wales has committed itself to becoming...
by Susan Mason | Oct 4, 2021 | Stonewall
Despite considerable opposition, the Scottish government is set to press on with gender recognition reform. They have also issued new, arguably illegal, trans guidance for schools. They aren’t getting it all their own way, though. A grassroots pushback recently...
by Susan Mason | Aug 31, 2021 | RSE
Some School Gate Campaign supporters have been busy during the summer break, continuing to spread the word about RSE to local mums and dads. This is the account of one Bournemouth man’s experience when he distributed leaflets this summer. A sandwich board is...
by Susan Mason | Jun 22, 2021 | RSE, Stonewall
Government departments are being urged to leave Stonewall’s Diversity Champions Programme by Liz Truss, the Equalities minister. High profile organisations and public bodies have already left the scheme. The LGBT campaign organisation is surrounded by...
by Susan Mason | Mar 1, 2021 | RSE
Transgender Trend, in their excellent post on RSE guidance for schools, include a discussion of the many ways that LGBT groups are mis-representing the Equalities Act to promote their ideological position. This means that, where there is ignorance of the law, pressure...