Calling all parents …
How to safeguard your child from Relationships & Sex Education indoctrination, even if you don’t know the law, the education system or anyone else concerned about RSE
Many Parents Are Alarmed About What They’ve Heard About Relationships And Sex Education.
Explicit And Inappropriate Teaching Has Already Been Reported In Schools
We all want the best education for our kids, but there have certainly been instances where teaching has not been in line with parents’ wishes. A mother in Hull was disgusted with the pornography homework that was set her 11 year-old daughter, for example. Warwickshire County Council was forced to withdraw its recommendation of a primary school programme that had explicit content. In a Croydon primary school, kids were forced to participate in Pride celebrations against their parents’ wishes.
But even worse than that …
This situation is not just the result of incompetence or oversight. There are deliberate attempts to deconstruct marriage and family as we know it:
Well, I know all may appear lost to you, and it did to me, until ….
– I discovered the secret that could change everything for parents and their children…
– The solution, that could protect children and put their parents minds at rest…
– So now I’m on a mission to help others who are just as concerned as I was!
Let Me Tell You My Story
Run-of-the-mill wife and mother equips parents to challenge Relationships and Sex Education
My name is Susan Mason. I am an ordinary wife and mother, with an ordinary, run-of-the-mill job. A few years ago, I heard something that concerned me. I heard that children’s wellbeing was being attacked in schools by advocates for sexual rights. Examples had already come to light of schools using explicit and inappropriate material when teaching about sex and relationships. And a new law would make relationships education mandatory for all schools in England.
I didn’t have any special education or background in Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), but I resolved to learn all I could. I was very distressed to realise that in some schools, new legislation would be used as an excuse to confuse and prematurely sexualise other people’s children behind closed doors. I even found out that my own daughter and her friends had been traumatised in a sex ed class when she was at primary school. That was awful. And I was shocked to hear that when an MP was told that parents would be up in arms about the new RSE, he said that wouldn’t be the case, because parents wouldn’t know about it!
It occurred to me that if parents did know what was going on, they would not be happy, and they would make their views known to schools. That might make the government think twice about the direction they were taking education in. But what could I do? I had no following, no contact list, no reputation. Influential people who were concerned about RSE like me didn’t seem get the idea of a grass roots movement to let parents know what was going on.
Finally, after many months, I realised that while I had been looking for a leader for this campaign, it was my vision, and despite having nothing else, I was the one to lead it. I resolved to take the first step, and if I got just one person to help me, I would go forward.
Well, I did get that first person to help me. His name was Chris and together we were in business! My idea was to leaflet parents, letting them know about potential issues with the new RSE curriculum and what they could do about it. We went to where we knew parents would be about 3pm in the afternoon – picking their kids up from school.
Many volunteers came forward to distribute leaflets and there was a great response from parents. The campaign was mentioned in the national media and in the parliamentary group for education. I became a conference speaker and was interviewed by the press. And the message was getting out to parents so they could protect their children.
Then disaster struck. With the closure of schools nationwide in March 2020, it looked like the campaign was over. What was I to do? Should I wind-down the campaign and just let other organisations continue the fight? I thought about this long and hard over the summer. It didn’t seem right to give up just as RSE was about to come into full effect. Then finally I came up with a plan. It would be costly, in both time and money, but it could potentially be a game-changer.
I decided to put together all the best resources I had – like information about parental rights, how to engage with schools, where to get specialised support – and create an RSE online toolkit that would be the go-to-resource for empowering parents.
It was a steep learning curve for me. Not only had I spent four years learning about RSE from every angle – developmental, medical, historical, educational and legal. I had been a back-office worker all my career, so I had to overcome my considerable shyness to speak publicly at events. But the situation was too important for me to be silent. I also had to learn a great deal about getting my message out through internet technology.
But it has all been worth it. The RSE Toolkit is now complete and I am excited to see this resource empower parents to protect their kids’ wellbeing and secure the best education for them in school. It is my gift to you and the next generation.
Now Imagine What Life Would Be Like If …
* You had the security and relief of knowing your child is protected from being exposed to anything you would consider to be inappropriate RSE
* You NEVER needed to worry about primary school distressing or confusing your child with teaching relating to transgenderism or alternative sexualities ever again…
* You could be confident knowing your rights as a parent and how to safeguard your child from RSE indoctrination
* And you don’t have to do any of this the hard way and go figure it out for yourself , because you can benefit from my experience and what I have discovered to help you and your child
Right now you may have no idea how to master learning about your rights, the school’s legal obligations and how to safeguard your child. But after you use what I have discovered, all those problems are gone. They evaporate and you can relax knowing you’re getting the best education for your child.That’s the power of these resources.
RSE Toolkit For Parents

5-Step Modular Programme showing you how to confidently take action to ensure that the child in your life receives the best education on relationships and sex without being confused or prematurely sexualised
Here’s Everything You’ll Get When You Sign Up Today…

Parent Action Plan
Step-by-step Parent Action Plan to ensure the best RSE for your child and peace of mind for you, with details of resources and organisations that can help you every step of the way .
This important module shows how each Toolkit resource fits into the process. That way you can go straight to resource you need, leaving time to review others as and when necessary.

RSE Guide for Parents
Video presentation covering the key issues in Relationships and Sex Education, giving an overview of how the regulations, guidance and parental rights impact the welfare of children in schools.

Summary of Legal Rights
All key RSE parental rights and school RSE legal obligations in one place to inform parents in plain English and give them confidence when dealing with schools .
This module includes key points about the RSE regulations themselves and how they can support parents, in addition to Parental Rights as supported in related English and European law.

Consultation Letters and Questions
Examples of written and verbal questions to ask your school before, and during, RSE consultation, and a short video which can be sent to teachers and other parents, for the best outcome for your child.

Checklist of Support Organisations
Comprehensive index of organisations offering information and support, from education specialists through to legal advisors, to address any challenge a parent might encounter
And, on this page only, I’m going to include some exclusive bonuses!
Bonus #1 – Sources of Good RSE Materials
Good RSE
Yes, there really are good resources you can suggest to your school for their RSE curriculum!
This module also includes a primary school RSE Planner covering all aspects of statutory guidance, which you can recommend to your school.

Bonus #2 – Facebook Support Group
School Gate Campaign Parent Support Group
All Toolkit members are invited to join and participate in this private Facebook Group.
It is dedicated to sharing information and supporting parents to successfully engage schools on RSE.

Bonus #3 – Myth-busting RSE Fact Sheets
Facts and figures about Sex Education, Bullying and more, to inform and arm parents against child sexualisation and LGBT propaganda.
This module also includes some of the best resources from other organisations concerned about RSE.

Bonus #4 – Updates, Petitions and More
All Toolkit members automatically receive a free subscription to the School Gate Campaign newsletter.
This provides news, updates, invitations and RSE Petitions to sign and share, to get the best quality teaching for your kids .

Bonus #5 – Personal Access
Personal Access
You will have support for any question you have about the Toolkit resources.
The Facebook Support Group is personally monitored by Zoe Wong, our new School Gate Campaign Facebook Group Leader. So, if there’s anything else you need, just ask!
If all this did was to help you:
* Feel relief that your child is not going to be exposed to anything you would not agree with in RSE lessons, and security in knowing they’re protected
* NEVER have to worry about the school creating confusion over age-inappropriate content relating to transgenderism or alternative sexualities ever again…
* Feel confident that you know your rights as a parent and how to safeguard your child from RSE indoctrination
Would it be worth it for you to join in today?
Take Action To Protect Your Child
Limited Time Offer!
Now it’s time to …
Take Action
I hope you can now see how you can take action to safeguard your child from RSE indoctrination, even if you don’t know the law, the education system or anyone else concerned about this issue!
I wish you all the very best, for both you and your child
Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get
When You Sign Up To The RSE Toolkit For Parents! Here’s A Recap Of

Parent Action Plan – (£50 Value)
RSE Guide for Parents – (£30 Value)
Summary of Legal Rights – (£50 Value)
Samples Questions and Letters – (£20 Value)
Checklist of Support Organisations – (£50 Value)
Sources of Good RSE Materials – (£20 Value)
School Gate Campaign Support Group – (£60 Value)
Myth-Busting RSE Fact Sheets – (£30 Value)
RSE Updates – (£24 Value)
Personal Access – (£120 Value)
Total Value: £454
But today, you’re getting all of this…
…but please consider making a contribution towards costs…
Yes, that’s right, the Toolkit is free. I would ask, however, that you consider making a contribution towards costs. We don’t get any separate funding, and it costs to reach out to parents with Facebook ads and to run the membership site. So…
If you make a donation of £25 or more …

You will receive as a “Thank You” this extra special bonus video introduction to “Sex-proofing Your Kids” by the eminent sex historian and education professional,
Dr Lisa Nolland